A Showroom Facility for Your Classic Car
- The facility can accommodate up to 20 cars and is climate controlled.
- Each car will be provided with electrical outlets, as well as a roped off area with posts and a bio area with photo of owner in a show room style presentation.
- Owners can use car covers, but it is not required/needed.
- The facility will be electronically secured with cameras to allow daily monitoring.
- Members have 24/7 access to the facility.
- The facility can also be used privately (by appointment only).
- Should you ever need to work on your car, we have 2 car lifts that you can use by appointment only.
- If you bring in a mechanic other than the owner, OCCC must pre-approve the mechanic and the mechanic must be accompanied by the owner.
- Orion Classic Car Club is owned and operated by John & Nanci LLC.
- There is a monthly membership fee, which includes storage.
- All contracts are for 6 months or 1 year.
- A non-refundable deposit of one month membership is due to secure a space.
- Utilities (electric, heat, water) will be paid 3x a year (every 4 months) and will be 1/20 of the total. There is no charge for taxes or insurance on the building.
- Owner must file with OCCC a copy of their auto insurance for vehicle in storage.
- When owner sign the contract, they must also sign a statement that they have read and agree with the OCCC Policy and Procedures.
- OCCC will accept all makes and models of classic automobiles that are in good to excellent condition (or soon to be).
- OCCC will have photos of each car on its website and eventually will offer “cars for sale” on consignment for any owners interested in this service.